Often, friend. Often.
And how many times have you been forced to sit through a mandatory training of the same concepts you've been begging stakeholders to operationalize?
You're devoted to them but they're literally for the streets. Over here treating you like Effie and bringing in this Deena when you know you sing better (yes, I'm bringing you Dream Girls references)!

You give 120% to a system that disregards your contributions.
It not only silences you, but it grooms you to devalue what you actually bring to the table...and you bring the whole damn table, Sis.
Every month I hear from Black women in human-centered support industries who ask "What's the secret sauce?"
- ✔They wanna know how I went from a grueling 9 to 5 Higher Ed job to building my own pathway to a multiple six-figure business.
- ✔They wanna know how I unraveled myself from the unhealthy relationship cycle my job rooted me in.
- ✔They wanna know how I secured the mindset and confidence to land big contracts.
And I gave them the secret sauce. Now I wanna share it with other Black womxn who are ready to cheat on their job.
I was an Over-Achieving Black Girl who did all the things my mama told me to secure protection in this world and it was all failing me.

I wasn’t protected; I was miserable.
- ✔The last-minute projects due the next day...
- ✔The never-ending on-call schedule...
- ✔No vacations over holidays...
- ✔The understaffing and taking on more work...
- ✔The minimization of my expertise...
- ✔The outright racism and microaggressions...
I could not believe I’ve worked this hard for this long for THIS life. It wasn’t fair. Then something remarkable happened.
I made my 9 to 5 my sidepiece and went from an "Effie" to a "Deena."
TAKE ME STRAIGHT TO THE GOOD STUFFI've been an Effie, a Deena, and now I teach Black women to stop trying to force their jobs to love them back.
My 9-5 didn't love me so I decided to play mirror and reflect that back. I put myself first and haven't had one regret since!

You are an Over-Achieving Black girl who is exhausted so...
Hoe a lil bit?

Group coaching space with bi-weekly 1:1 sessions.
- ✔Learn how internalized White Supremacy impacts you and your work
- ✔Learn to land clients by bringing your whole self to the table
- ✔Land your first paid client in 8 months or get 8 more months free!
When you join the program, you will get immediate access to amazing bonuses like a private podcast, guest facilitators, and my own personal stash of receipts!
I’m sharing my secret sauce with you! You'll get the EXACT templates I’ve used to secure new clients, mindset coaching, a workbook for weekly engagement, and I will help you customize the templates to your business model!