Transforming White Supremacy Culture: A Journey of Growth and Understanding through #PLA

Mar 28, 2023

What’s your “Why” for being in #PLA?

My “why” for being in #PLA is because I knew that despite my work with my white identified affinity group I wasn’t getting to the level of understanding what racism and oppression really as well as not understanding my role in it.

Who were you before #PLA?

Before #PLA I was in an antiracist process – I knew I wasn’t getting it – but also felt fairly helpless at knowing how to move forward in my growth and evolution.

How has #PLA changed your understanding of how Oppression works?

#PLA has changed my understanding of how Oppression works by examining and “interrogating” our processes and oppressive structures. As an “old dog” it’s perhaps taking me longer than others to internalize ways to speak thoughtfully about how Oppression works. One way that #PLA helps with this process is to routinely model a deeper conversation about how we feel about what we read/watched/heard. Additionally, having the opportunity to meet with both a white identified facilitator as well as Black identified facilitator I deepened my awareness about my own racism and oppressive habits. Oppression works by holding power over those who will structurally and systemically always have less power due to bias and prejudice – informed by anti-Blackness. This is why Black Lives Matter is so important to grasp.

What is the #PLA space like?

The #PLA space is welcoming and supportive as well as asking direct questions and asking for accountability. It’s also a space that respects us as individuals with work and family obligations. Over time the #PLA supported an environment that felt trusting and safe to express ourselves and our vulnerabilities. And to just speak up – even if what we said showed that we didn’t grasp the concepts this allowed us to grow in our understanding of the concepts.

In what ways have your grown through #PLA?

My goal from being in #PLA was to grow my knowledge of oppression, racism, anti-Blackness and White Supremacy Culture and with that knowledge build my capacity to speak up and take actions that actually disrupt WSC and my oppressive habits.

How do you use what you have learned?

I am slowly feeling more confident to use what I am learning (and I am immersing myself by also following SBT Instagram and other Black leaders on SM and through literature and videos). My hope is to develop what Wanda calls “muscle memory” in how to speak up and I am noticing that in various conversations both personal and professional I am able to contribute with more pointed and clear statements. Also, I now understand that I can use what I am learning in every realm of my life – and I live a very white life. In my work life I am constantly looking for ways to remind myself and my colleagues of our responsibilities to disrupt racism and oppression. First by offering time to think and discuss examples or during Thanksgiving sharing readings about the accurate history of what happened to Native Americans (I shared this with my extended family as well).

Professionally, I am on my organization’s DEI committee and I am pushing us to be genuine in what our work is – and not rest with just the fact that we send out information about awareness months e.g. Black History Month. This is of course important, but it’s not going to actually address our oppressive habits and ways. So I am leveraging my leadership role to push for reviewing our benefits and salary structures (I am not alone) with more confidence and realize that they really can’t say no. I understand that this process can’t be a quick fix and we can’t act because we feel that it’s urgent. Rather, we need to be thoughtful and careful – building in time and space for interrogation and exploration as well as self-reflection for all involved. I continually remind my colleagues that if we are aspiring to be an antiracist organization then we need to keep at it.

Why would you recommend #PLA to others?

I recommend #PLA to others because it’s truly impactful and effective for White identified people to dig deep into their racist and oppressive habits and ways with immense support to grow and evolve into being antiracist and confronting oppression. #PLA understands that this is a process and that it truly takes time for our growth to manifest. The approach that #PLA uses is also multifaceted so it uses reading, watching, discussion, writing and questioning to support multiple ways to grow.

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