How do I know?
Two reasons:
That’s how White Supremacy works to sustain itself.
This is largely the origin story of all the White folx I work with.
And when I say White, I mean those who identify as White as well as those folx of Color who are White-assimilated.Â

Yes, this is the point where your feathers get ruffled and you declare that you’re not racist.
This is also the part that I tell you that the culture I just outlined above would make it impossible for you not to be. Racism isn’t just an individual attitude, it’s a system that centers that attitude, institutions that consciously supports that attitude, and economic ideologies that depend on that attitude.
This work is hard for you to unpack because you likely grew up in a culture of sustaining White Comfort. This simply means that you were trained, like the rest of us, to reiterate a set of socio-cultural standards that keep Whiteness as a strategy as a default.

What Can You Expect From Your Coaching Experience With Wanda?
Coaching components include:

A thorough 1:1 orientation session that slowly walks you through the logistics of our curriculum, the platforms and dashboards we will be using, and a Q & A session where all questions are welcomed.

Weekly confidential 1:1 sessions that unpack the Anti-Oppressive Advocacy® Coaching Curriculum

Journal writing and in-session thought work

Examination of the Eight White Identities

Interrogation of forms of White Supremacy

Strategy for creating change within your sphere of influence